


JPC member of Eastern District
Mohammad Laraib Ishaq


Hello everyone! My name is Laraib. I am a F.2 student from Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial School. This is my first year in JPCLC. I participated in the Eastern District Road Safety Carnival on October 20. It was my first activity in JPCLC and it was awesome.

Although I got a bit tired, I was very happy that I had a chance to serve the community. I didn't join the JPCLC program last year because I was scared. I thought the footdrill training would be very hard if I do one step wrong the teacher would punish me. I was encouraged by my friends to join the JPCLC program. After finishing the first footdrill lesson, I don't think it was that difficult. I believe I will have more achievement if I work harder



 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
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  • 2860 6157
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