A light meal refers to food in small portion and nowadays often referring to food with low calories, light flavoured food and 70 percent-full eating habit as well. Light meal promotes simple and healthy lifestyle, so when you find yourself lacking of appetite in hot weather, perhaps a fresh light-meal, “Almond Tofu with Fresh Fruits”, would be a good choice for you.

This healthy Almond Tofu with Fresh Fruits is made with low-fat milk. It is definitely a low calories and low fat dish, which worth recommending to you all during summer time.

Cooking Steps

  1. Soak gelatin in iced water until soften. Set aside.
  2. Pour almond milk, low-fat milk and sliced almonds together. Bring to boil.
  3. Once it is boiled, pour in gelatin and stir. Strain and pour the liquid into glasses. Chill till set.
  4. Once it is set, put mango, strawberry and kiwi slices on top.

Ingredients (Serve 3)

  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • 88 mL
  • Water
  • 65 mL
  • Low-fat milk
  • 73 mL
  • Gelatin
  • 20 g
  • Mango, sliced
  • 1 no
  • Kiwi, sliced
  • 1 no
  • Strawberries, sliced
  • 3 nos


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