JPC Member of Wong Tai Sin District
YIU Pui-kei

Recently, the JPC members of Wong Tai Sin District were invited to join a career seminar, which provided information about how to secure competitiveness in accessing more job opportunities, and introduced pathway of how to join the Hong Kong Police Force.

I have a dream in becoming a policeman in the future to protect Hong Kong. This seminar had given me an invaluable experience and many useful information on the structures and duties of the Hong Kong Police Force.

For one who wanted to become a police officer, he has to pass through a stringent assessment and selection process from the Police Recruitment Division. The candidate needed to fulfil standards as required, such as certain level of academic background and physique. The minimum requirement for applying for the police officer is to get a Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects in HKDSE exmination.

The host of the seminar encouraged us to be well-prepared before doing anything in a bid to grasp any possible opportunity to attain achievement. I was inspired so much in this seminar, which made me understand the importance of upholding positive attitude when facing challenges. Failing to plan is planning to fail !


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