JPC Member of Wong Tai Sin District

This is my first year to learn Cantonese in school. As a non Chinese speaker who learn Putonghua in primary school only, I could hardly understand a single word in Cantonese class. I even failed my first dictation. Things seemed not so good ahead of me. I was too frustrated to imagine the result of upcoming test.

One day, my mum met a JPC staff from Wong Tai Sin Police District and talked to her about my learning difficulties. The staff volunteered to teach me so we kicked off the Chinese class. In the beginning, I had only one lesson a week. The JPC staff was so devoted. She told me that I could just WhatsApp her for help whenever I faced any problem. As such, I met her twice a week to prepare my test, which was close to happen. She was very patient and helpful that she taught me some easy ways to remember the difficult words.

I got an “A” and ranked the third in the Chinese test finally. I really appreciated the JPC staff’s effort and time and I would like to attribute my outstanding result to her. Without her guidance, I was not able to do so well. Thank you so much!

My younger sister was thrilled with my result and she joined my class to improve her Chinese. We now enjoy learning Cantonese together at JPC WTS, the best news that I have expected for long!


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