


JPC Member of Western District
LAM Hiu-ying

Watching movies, listening to music and reading are very useful ways to make good use of leisure time.

First, watching movies not only can help people to relax , but also can train their English listening and oral skills. It is because people can learn the accent of the actors in the movies.

Listening to music is another good choice in leisure time. For example, listening to Mandarin music can brush up Putonghua level for those who do not have Putonghua lessons in schools.

The last option to spend your spare time is reading books, for example, reading detective story. It is because detective story can assist in developing readers ’critical thinking and there is much satisfaction from guessing the ending correctly. Also, reading Chinese books can improve our vocabulary and clauses to enrich our writing skills.

To conclude, watching movies, listening to music and reading are very useful to make good use of our leisure time. You may try this weekend.


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