Editor’s Pick - Different Easter Traditions in the World



Easter is coming, besides enjoying the Easter holiday and Easter Chocolate eggs, how much do you know about the interesting Easter Traditions around the world?

United States-Easter Egg Rolling

The White House Egg Rolling is an annually held Easter tradition that started during the era of President Rutherford B with over a hundred-year history. During the occasion, kids will roll the decorated hard-boiled eggs on grass with a long-handled spoon to resemble the vision of a stone rolling down the Jesus’s tomb before resurrection. The event is usually hosted by the President of the United States.

Italy-Consecration with Eggs

Italians will bring hundreds of eggs to the church on Easter for consecration and take the blessed eggs home to make an Easter meal. They will also paint some blessed eggs and give them to guests as gifts.

Austria-Cannon Fire at Dawn

In the Alps area, people will gather at the field or the peak to wait for the sunrise on Easter. They will shoot a cannon fire, jump three times and sing hymns at dawn to praise the resurrection of Jesus.

Philippines-Parade with a Cross

A parade will be held on Easter where male Christians will carry a heavy cross at the back to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.

United Kingdom-Egg Jarping

Apart from organising Egg Rolling events like the Americans, the British will also celebrate Easter by another interesting Easter tradition named Egg Jarping or Egg Knocking, at which the players hold hard-boiled eggs firmly on their hands and jarp on the pointed ends. The players with cracked eggs will be eliminated until a winner is chosen from rounds of egg jarping.



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