


JPC Member of Yau Tsim District
CHAN Kei-yan


My father, a construction worker, is just a typical man who works so hard for his family. Everyone surrounding me always says that I have the most supportive father. We have such a close relationship that we talk about everything, from trivial things to my life struggles. In others’ eyes, he is just an ordinary man working day and night but he always stands by me no matter how tired he is. He is the best Dad ever. With his unconditional love and support, Ibecome a better person. We explore the world and face obstacles together. We are never alone. He may not know how to express his love to me, but I can feel it when he looks at me, and in the way he cares me. I hope he can stay happy and healthy. I wish that I can make him proud with my achievements in life.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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