Sharon:Good afternoon Hugo and Jason! Where are you two off to?

Hugo: We are going to check out the new store that just opened down the street called 'Best of the Best Deals'. They advertised themselves as the grocery store that sells at the lowest price in town.

Sharon: Oh no! Don't go there! It's a lie. Don't let them rip you off!

Jason: Sharon, I don't understand! Are they going to tear something away from us?

Hugo: Jason, I think Sharon means that the shop is a fraud. The phrase 'rip-off' is particularly used to describe somewhere or something that is unreasonably or dishonestly over-priced.

Sharon: Yes, that's exactly what I meant! The shop is a rip-off and they ripped me off last weekend. I bought some home care products there just to find out their prices are actually 2 times more expensive than the supermarket right next to it.

Jason: That place sounds horrible! Sharon, thank you for warning us to not fall into their marketing trap!


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