Reduce plastic waste and save the ocean

To understand more about the seriousness of the plastic pollution in our ocean, let us look into some world statistic on how others are doing.

A report conducted by the Ocean Conservancy in 2016 claims that China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam are disposing of 60 percent of the total plastic waste in the ocean.

China and Indonesia are the top sources of plastic bottles, bags and other rubbish overfilling the global sea lanes.

You may be curious on why the 5 countries that are the leading contributors to this crisis are all in Asia. It certainly has something to do with law and education. In less developed countries where the law is less established and fragile, garbage truck drivers would often save time and fuel by simply dumping the trash by the roadside or in the water. These illegal ways to handle wastes are having incredible bad consequences for the seas. Every so often, how to properly handle waste and the impact of that are also rarely incorporated in school and social education by the government. Most of the populations in these countries have minimum consciousness on environmental protection.

This is saying that we should not underestimate the power of knowledge and awareness. Let us begin with this generation and make a significant change in the world!


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