

JPC Member of Kowloon City District
HO Yan-ping, Alva


Thanks to JPC, I had a fabulous learning experience at Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change. We have all suffered from climate change and one of the remarkable firsthand experiences must count to the burning hot summer and freezing cold winter in Hong Kong recent years. However, the dark side of climate change is far more than that. The problem of global warming urged by climate change is pushing Lichens – composite organisms that play a crucial role in the terrestrial food web in the polar regions – to their physiological limits and therefore causing a sever survival threat. Being the center of food web, the decline in the amount of Lichens contributes to the loss of prey. As a result, the number of Arctic rodents for instance Arctic fox and snowy owl has fallen significantly in recent years. In fact, humans always take nature for granted. Excessive destruction of forest and overwhelming use of fossil fuels are the main causes of climate change. Facing the imminent challenge of climate change, it is time for us to join hands to preserve the Earth before it is too late. Tiny changes could be made in our daily lives to protect our mother nature such as having meat-free meal and traveling by public transport instead of private car.


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