JPC Member of Central District
TIU Chun-ming

On 22 July, 2021, my elder brother, Kyle and I joined the JPC summer camp. It was our first time to go camping together and I had a great time.

My camp site was the Hong Kong Award for Young People Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp. When we arrived, we did some exercises and played the “Fingerprint” activity. The police used fingerprints to catch the thieves. We learnt how to find the fingerprints and the footprints of animals. It was very interesting and I understood more about policing work. Then, we had a yummy lunch at the campsite canteen.

After lunch, we played AR game. I like this game very much. We had a competition but it was a pity that my team lost.

The last activity was “Parkour”. There were four teams. My brother is the fastest one in my team. I was proud of him. At about 4 o’clock p.m., we went back home. Overall, I enjoyed the camp very much and all the programmes were funny and memorable. I hope I can join this camp again.



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