JPC Member of Western District
Jasper NG

I joined the kickboxing class held by the Western JPC in this summer holiday. I think this class was really fascinating.

We got the routine steps in every lessons, and the coach let us do some stretching exercises to prevent injury. All of us were exhausted after doing the first exercise. And I found out that, before you put on your boxing glove, you needed to wrap your hand with a band. The coach taught me to wrap my hands patiently and I could do it myself finally!

The coach taught us to punch the sandbag using the right posture. We learned different skills including straight right, straight left, uppercut and flying kick during these lessons.

I benefited a great deal through the course and I also think that the arrangement of the JPC was well-organised. I hope that there will be an “Advance Kickboxing” class next year. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to the JPC for bringing me this unforgettable experience.



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