JPC Member of Sau Mau Ping District
CHEUNG Lok-chun

I participated in a few activities with Sau Mau Ping JPC this summer and it was also the first time I had activities with them, and I enjoyed. There were some activities which I had ever experienced before such as kayaking. JPC provided me an incrediable chance to try new things.

I had a lot of chances to visit places that we seldom to get there. Besides, I made more new friends and they were all a bright bunch as they are always willing to help one another when we needed help. I met some advance leaders, leaders, and senior members during different events and they had shared their experiences and meaningful episodes they had learnt from the SMPJPC. We also enjoyed moments together such as playing kayak or visiting different places. Most of them were very talkative and they were willing to give me the best memory. I also met a great summer internship staff who gave me a lot of advices on study and sport activities.

To conclude, I spent a fruitful and meaningful summer vacation because of the SMPJPC. They gave me an enjoyable summer in a different way. I am so thankful to have this great opportunity to participate in SMPJPC, and I am really looking forward to join my next event!



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