


JPC Member of Central District
TSANG Yuen-shan

Human activities are damaging our world every day. There are several ways to support environmental protection in order to preserve our nature.

Firstly, we should reduce the use of plastic. Plastic waste is a serious environmental problem. People use large amount of plastic such as plastic bags and plastic bottles every day. A lot of plastic will be disposed of in landfill or dumped into the sea. When the plastic degraded into the environment, it will affect the soil and sea animals. Therefore, we should use fewer plastic products by bringing our own reusable bag and bottle.

Secondly, we can use less electricity. The generation of electricity requires the burning of fossil fuels, which will produce a large amount of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that can intensify global warming effect. We can open windows instead of turning on the air conditioner. Besides, we should turn off all the lights when no one is at home or office and utilize daylight. As a result, the use of electricity can be reduced.

At last, we can recycle different materials. Landfill is not a permanent way to solve waste problem. We should create less waste by recycling. For example, we can use both sides of a paper before recycle it. Therefore, less natural resources would be consumed for human activity for protection of our ecosystem.

In conclusion, our world needs the concerted effort of all people to take proactive actions to address all environmental issues.



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