JPC Member of Kwun Tong District
MUHAMMAD Bilal Haider

I have had my first aid course supported by Junior Police Call. It was a course for 5 days in which we were taught for 4 days and had exam on the 5th day! The course taught us what to do when someone was injured. We were also taught how to do Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

I could understand everything the instructor was teaching. However, as a Non-Chinese, I had difficulties when reading Chinese so the best I could do was to stay focused on what the teacher was teaching! I would go home and revise for what we were taught.

For the examination, there were 3 sections. Multiple choice, CPR and doing the bandaging. The multiple choice for me as a Non-Chinese was very complicated but for my classmates it was very easy! CPR wasn't hard at all!

For the bandaging, I couldn't read the instructions so I asked the examiner and she told me what the instructions said! Thanks to her I could do my bandages! The first aid course was very informative!



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