JPC Member of Wong Tai Sin District
LUI Ching-wa, Prudence

Today I was utterly appreciated that I had been invited by my friend to join this meaningful JPC activity. It is my first time I have joined such a huge group event and I gained a lot of treasurable memories.

In this event, all instructors, equipment and food were included, which was literally grateful. The instructor told us about the rules of the games patiently and all members enjoyed the briefing. There’s already a strong atmosphere before the game and everyone felt excited.

During the game, the instructor helped us form some groups. I was separated with my friends and met new members. Although I didn’t know the new team members, they treated me with very kind attitude.

After this activity, I learned not only the game rules but also team spirit. There was great fun and I hope I can join this kind of activity next time.



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