JPC Member of Western District
Li Ruiqi, Denzel

Last Saturday, I went rock climbing in Kwun Tong with my JPC team. It was a sunny day and I hoped I could get there quickly.

When I got there, I looked inside the rock climbing room. It was very big and there were many walls with colourful rocks in it. Some were big and some were small. It looked very interesting. I felt so excited! That I ran to the walls and prepared for climbing.

First our coach taught us how to climb. Then he let us try it. When it was my turn, my left hand grabbed a big rock and then my right hand grabbed another big rock. After that my legs stepped on two small rocks. It was very difficult! But I kept climbing until I reached the top. I looked down, WOW! It was very high!! I was getting nervous and it was not easy at all!

Rock climbing has made me learn that when you have trouble, don’t give up, and you will always be successful! Thank Western JPC for letting us join this interesting activity.



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