Contents Highlights
Computer forensics capability enhanced as Technology Crime Training Suite opens
Officers complete training at Guangdong Police College
PNC to celebrate 30th Anniversary
Talk on knowledge sharing by world-class practitioner
SCDS members look into lesser-known work
"Eyes and Ears" for STDIST in safe shopping
SMPDIST steers students to straight path
NB and FBI hold seminar on combating money laundering
Seminar on handling of "ice" manufacturing centres
Public security officials complete training with Force
Ballot Result for Mainland and Overseas Summer Course Sponsorship Scheme 2005
LTDIST thanks villagers for supporting Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
Essay competition winners announced
Force Byte Crime Information Database
In Brief
Auxiliary Police Presentation
SGT presented with souvenir
Police Review 2004
Photo Features
Force paddlers raise $250,000 for charity
Officers shine in powerlifting championships
Bulletin Board
Healthy - Lifestyle
Dialogue on Vital Engagement
HKPCCC members study Chinese dancing