Commissioner Siu Chak-yee reviewed the overall law and order of Hong Kong in 2024 and outlined the work focuses of the Force in 2025 at a press conference on February 11. Deputy Commissioner (DCP) (Operations) Chow Yat-ming, DCP (National Security) Kan Kai-yan and DCP (Management) Chan Joon-sun also attended the press conference.
In 2024, a total of 94 747 crimes were recorded in Hong Kong, representing an increase of 5% from the 2023 figure
(90 276 cases). Among the total, 10 485 were violent cases, registering a rise of 3.6%. The overall detection rate was 30.4%, similar to that of 2023.
Leaving deception cases aside, the overall crime figure recorded a drop of 185 cases last year, while the detection rate rose by 1.7% to 47.9%, indicating that the rise in deception cases was the main reason for the increase in the overall crime figure and the decline in the overall detection rate. The increase in violent crimes was primarily driven by the rise in cases of “naked chat blackmail”. Apart from deception and blackmail, major crimes that recorded increases included rape.
Other traditional crimes, such as homicide, robbery, burglary, wounding and serious assault, serious drug offences, theft, criminal damage, criminal intimidation and arson, recorded declines. Last year, the figures for these traditional crimes remained at comparatively low levels and quite a number of them even reached new lows on record or in recent years, while their detection rates were considerably high as well, with some having even reached their highest on record.
There were 44 480 deception cases, representing a rise of 4 656 cases or 11.7% when compared with the 2023 figure
(39 824 cases). Among them, 61.8% were Internet-related
(27 485 cases). Deception cases accounted for 46.9% of the overall number of crimes.
The rise in deception cases was mainly attributed to the emergence of the new modus operandi of telephone deception involving “Impersonating Customer Service” since early last year. 5 575 cases arising from such modus operandi were reported in 2024, far exceeding the overall increase of 4 656 cases in deception. Over the past several months, the Force enhanced law enforcement and targeted publicity and education efforts, having brought the figure down by half from the peak of more than 1 100 cases in the single month of July last year to a monthly average of some 500 cases in the fourth quarter. The figure, however, is relatively high. The Force will continue taking forward the relevant work.
As to the trend of deception cases over the past few years, the increase of approximately 12% in 2024 was a marked slow-down when compared with the consecutive rises of over 40% in 2022 and 2023. The amount involved ($9.15 billion) dropped by $30 million as well, showing that the Force’s efforts in combatting deception on various fronts and the multiple initiatives against deception launched in collaboration with stakeholders over the past three years are beginning to yield results.
Over the past year, the Force collaborated with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the banking industry, the Office of the Communications Authority and telecommunications service providers to launch a series of enhanced measures with a view to fortifying defence against deception for members of the public.
A total of 19 homicide cases were recorded, which was a drop of 32.1% when compared with the 2023 figure. 10 cases involved domestic or family violence, while the other nine cases involved dispute (five cases), dangerous driving causing death (one case) and industrial accident (three cases). All of them were detected.
The figure for homicide was the third lowest since record in 1969. Excluding the case concerning the industrial accident that happened on Anderson Road in 2022 and were later reclassified as “manslaughter” and included in the figure for 2024 upon receipt of legal advice from the Department of Justice, the figure for homicide in 2024 was in fact the lowest on record, and the detection rate reached 100%.
Wounding and serious assault
There were 3 614 cases of wounding and serious assault in total, registering a slight decrease of 0.6%, with 8.6% of the cases being triad-related. The number of cases was the lowest since 1973. The detection rate was 72.9%, the second highest since 1981.
A total of 90 cases of robbery were registered, a drop of 7.2% when compared with the 2023 figure and the second lowest on record. The detection rate reached a record high of 92.2%. Over the past year, there were neither bank robbery cases nor robbery cases involving genuine firearms or stun guns. Two cases of watch and jewellery shop robbery were detected, one of which was resulted in an intelligence-led operation, with six persons arrested at the crime scene.
There were 1 220 burglary cases in total, representing a decrease of 9.9% as compared to the figure of 2023. The amount of losses also dropped by 25.5%. Similar to robbery, the number of burglary cases was the second lowest on record. The detection rate was 38%, which was the second highest on record.
The number of burglary cases experienced a dramatic reversal in 2024. In the first quarter of 2024, the number of burglary cases recorded an increase of 56%, with the amount of losses having risen by 30.3%. Burglary cases involving village houses, which were the hardest hit, even saw a 1.8-fold increase, reflecting a rather unfavourable situation. Hence, the Force made extensive efforts to combat burglaries for almost a year. The situation became better in the second half of 2024 and showed further improvement by the end of the year, with the full-year figure dropping by about 10% from that of 2023.
There were 22 433 theft cases, representing a decrease of 3% when compared with the 2023 figure. Among them, only shop theft recorded an increase (8 764 cases, +543 cases, +6.6%). Theft cases for 2023 rose by 26.7% and continued to increase by 9.2% in the first quarter of 2024. However, the situation improved steadily in the second half of 2024. Similar to burglary, theft cases shifted from an upward trend to a decline for the year as well. Among them, the figures for snatching (64 cases), theft from vehicle (540 cases) and missing motor vehicles (389 vehicles) were their lowest on record.
There were 3 031 cases of blackmail, an increase of 372 cases (+14%), with the majority of the increase coming from “naked chat”, which recorded 2 434 cases in total, a rise of 317 cases (+15%). Students remained the largest group of victims, but their proportion among victims continued to improve, dropping from 34.5% in 2021 to 18.7% in 2024. The Force will continue strengthening the work in preventing youth crime.
Sexual offences
There were 77 rape cases, an increase of 10 cases (+14.9%). The detection rate was 97.4%. One case involved a stranger and it was detected.
A total of 1 185 cases of indecent assault were recorded, a slight increase of 2%. 58.2% of the cases occurred in public places and MTR premises. The detection rate was 77%.
Serious drug offences
There were 1 114 serious drug cases, a decrease of 3.4% (-39 cases). The number of youths arrested in connection with serious drug cases dropped by 27.5% (-49 persons) to 129 persons, of whom 31 persons were students, a drop of 35.4% (-17 persons).
The number of youths involved in serious drug cases has been steadily declining since its peak in 2021 (430 persons). By the end of 2024, the cumulative decrease had reached 70%, with the decline in the number of students arrested being more significant than that of non-students arrested, showing a cumulative drop of 76.9%. However, there was a noticeable increase in the use of e-cigarettes for consumption of “space oil drug” in 2024. According to the provisional figures from the Government Laboratory, as at December 31, 2024, the Force had detected 195 related cases and arrested 278 persons in total, including 61 youths.
To target “space oil drug” trafficking, particularly drug trafficking on the Internet and social media, the Force conducted a number of intelligence-led operations in the second half of 2024, including Operation AMBERFLOCK executed in November, in which a total of 99 persons were arrested, including 12 youths with the youngest aged 12. Drugs of various kinds, including 1.7 litres of suspected liquid etomidate, 1.2 kilograms of suspected etomidate powder and nearly 10 000 suspected “space oil drug” capsules, were seized.
In response to the latest drug trends, the Force has started using Etomidate Rapid Test Kits since January 18 this year. This enables frontline officers who suspect individuals of possessing “space oil drug” to conduct on-site rapid tests with the test kits, thereby assisting officers in law enforcement.
Triad-related crimes
A total of 2 325 triad-related crimes were recorded, representing a drop of 0.4% (-9 cases). Last year, the police authorities of Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao mounted the tripartite joint anti-crime operation codenamed THUNDERBOLT 2024, in which 8 303 persons in total were arrested in Hong Kong, and a large quantity of illegal items, including various types of drugs with a total market value of over $840 million, as well as suspected crime proceeds worth $41 million, were seized.
Youth crime
In 2024, a total of 2 840 youths were arrested because of criminal offences, representing a decrease of 6.6% (-201 persons) from the 2023 figure. Apart from the aforementioned serious drugs, there was a downward trend in the number of youths involved in deception (525 persons, -64 persons, -10.9%), money laundering (60 persons, -46 persons, -43.4%), robbery (28 persons, -11 persons, -28.2%), and triad-related crimes (483 persons, -114 persons, -19.1%).
After the riot, the Force and other stakeholders have strengthened efforts in youth work, and some positive results are now evident. Firstly, the recruitment of young people is encouraging. In the first nine months of this financial year, the number of tertiary students participating in the Police Mentorship Programme rose significantly by 50%, demonstrating that more university students are willing to further explore a career in policing. From September to October last year, 12 local universities were visited for holding the Police University Recruitment Express, during which 897 applications were received, seeing a significant increase of 33.3% when compared to 673 applications from the previous year. Additionally, according to the results of the Force Public Opinion Survey conducted in 2024, the rating given by young people aged 18 to 29 on the performance of the Force also showed a significant increase (53.66 points, +14.75 points, +37.9%) when compared with the results of the survey conducted in 2021.
Relevant situation of national security
Since the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance came into force, the National Security Department of the Force had arrested a total of 316 persons as at the end of December 2024. Among them, around 60% had been charged.
Latest situation of CCTV installation across Hong Kong
Since April 2024, the Force has been installing CCTV cameras at various locations across the territory. By the end of last year, a total of 615 sets of CCTV cameras had been installed, and the first phase comprising 2 000 sets of CCTV cameras will be completed within this year. As at the end of December 2024, the CCTV system had assisted the Force in detecting 122 cases, including serious crimes such as murder, robbery and burglary, resulting in 202 arrests.
Additionally, among the 28 cases of murder, robbery and burglary detected with the assistance of CCTV system, the average time for detection among 90% (25 cases) of the cases was two days. This demonstrates that the CCTV system not only makes investigations more effective but also significantly enhances the efficiency in detecting crime.
Apart from assisting in detecting crime, the CCTV system also serves as a deterrent to criminal acts. To understand the relevant figures, the Force conducted a detailed analysis of the number of cases of various types of crimes that occurred on street and observed declines in the figures for these crimes after the installation of CCTVs, demonstrating the scheme’s significant positive impact on crime prevention and detection.
As most of the CCTV cameras were only installed in phases starting from the second half of 2024, it is believed that the effectiveness will become more pronounced as the yearly target of installing 2 000 to 2 500 sets of CCTV cameras is achieved in the future.
Regarding the application of video analytic technology, the Force utilised the Crowd Size Analysis System for the first time during the 2024 Halloween events in Lan Kwai Fong. The system performed real-time crowd density assessments with the video analytic functions, effectively leveraging technology to improve the efficiency of the Force’s crowd management operations.
While the CCTV system is an important tool to assist the Force, crime prevention and detection still relies on the efforts of every officer. Taking robbery and burglary cases as an example, all nine cases of goldsmith/watch and jewellery shop robbery were detected in the past two years, and burglary cases in 2024 shifted from an upward trend to a decline, with the detection rate being the second highest on record. These objective figures fully demonstrate our officers’ commitment and professional investigative competences.
Commissioner’s Operational Priorities (COP) 2025
The COP 2025 is a continuation of the priority areas identified last year, with the addition of a new priority to emphasise the importance attached to the policing of the 15th National Games and related events:
• Safeguarding national security;
• Combatting violent crime;
• Combatting triads, syndicated and organised crime;
• Combatting dangerous drugs;
• Combatting deception and “quick cash” crime;
• Enhancing cyber security and combatting technology crime;
• Enhancing public safety;
• Enhancing counter-terrorism; and
• Executing the policing of the 15th National Games.
Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:
Mr Leung Chung-man | CSP PR (Chairperson) |
Ms Jan Wong | SSP MLS PR |
Ms Christine Choi | PIO PP PR |
Ms Jay Tam | CIP MR PR |
Ms Annie Wu | TSRO HKI |
Mr Raymond Lee | TSRO KE |
Mr Lee Nam-kit | TSRO KW |
Mr Marco Chui | SSGT ADM NTS |
Mr Victor Wong | TSRO NTN |
Ms Jennifer Lee | TSRO MAR |
Ms Ada Mak | SIP SR 1 |
Mr Kero Chan | SIP A&S HKPC |
Ms Suzanne Lo | SIP HQ (2) CRM |
Mr Edwin Ho | CIP A&S OPS |
Mr Homer Lam | CIP SUP SS&S |
Ms Phoebe Ng | SIP ICTU |
Mr Alex Leung | JPOA REP |
Ms Virginia Yu | EO G&D |
Editor: | Ms Wong Ka-wai: 2860-6171 |
Reporters: | Ms Fan Wing-yan: 2860-6172 Dr Peter Chung: 2860-6131 |
Photographers: | Mr Mickey Kong: 2860-6174 Mr Rex Ip: 2860-6175 |
Fax: | 2200-4310 |
Address: | 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong |
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Deadline for Issue 1276: | February 27, 2025 (before 6pm) |
Deadline for Issue 1277: | March 13, 2025 (before 6pm) |
Procedures for submission of articles can be viewed on the webpage of OffBeat on Police Intranet (POINT).
Published by Public Relations Wing, Hong Kong Police Force